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4 Week Online Professional Development Certificate Course for all Sport Stakeholders


Course Introduction

This professional course offers a comprehensive approach to safeguarding in sport, led by international experts in the field from across five continents. It emphasizes the critical roles of various sport stakeholders within the intersections of sports governance, law, and the duty of care, highlighting the wider responsibilities of all stakeholders in upholding both human rights and accountable sport institutions.

The course aims to enhance sport stakeholder awareness and ability to identify safeguarding issues. It covers evolving global frameworks, mechanisms, available tools, legislation, and best practices to improve capacity and efficiency for preventive action, investigations, and trauma-informed response.

Participants will learn about the roles, responsibilities, and relationships of interconnected stakeholders responsible for administering safe sport. They will improve their understanding and practical application of ethical reasoning, legal, and governance principles to critically assess, evaluate, and evolve the causes, consequences, and implications of various legislation, policies, and practices that impact the evolution of both accountable institutions and safe, ethical sport.

Elevating Sport Integrity: A Holistic Approach to Safeguarding

The internationalization and commercialization of sport, along with its growing economic, political, and social significance, provide incentives for unscrupulous actions. Furthermore, the
abuse of authority, inefficient national legislation, limited resources, and unchecked governance
structures due to the autonomy of sport contribute to worldwide sport integrity issues, including
corruption, safeguarding, and human rights abuses.

While some stakeholders and their entities have played pivotal roles in improving good
governance, simultaneously addressing the abuse of power and unethical practices, certain sport
institutions failures’ in handling integrity issues with diligence and care have resulted in significant athlete harm and the ongoing permeation of threats to human rights in sport.

To address this gap, the discipline of sport ethics and integrity emerged, developing professionals
with new comprehensive skill sets to facilitate a more holistic approach to problem-solving. This
approach prioritizes the well-being and rights of all participants while ensuring ethics remain
central to solution development. These professionals work to bridge gaps by fostering
constructive dialogue and collaboration among diverse stakeholders, guiding ethical decision making to benefit everyone involved, supporting the evolution of ethical, more accessible, and inclusive safe sport.


This course is for governmental representatives, national sport organisations, law enforcement professionals, public authorities, NGOs, investigators, judicial authorities, prosecutors, journalists, analysts, sport governing bodies (SGBs), sports integrity managers, academics, athlete advocacy groups, and any sport stakeholders or practitioners seeking to improve their awareness and capacity in addressing safeguarding and the evolution of accountable institutions committed to this cause.

A Pragmatic Approach

This course introduces participants to the Sport Ethics & Integrity professionals’ comprehensive, interdisciplinary 360° approach which extends beyond traditional boundaries and considers the potential interplay, awareness and importance of interconnected topics such as bioethics, risk, health, gender, human rights and beyond to support better informed response and policy. The sessions aim to equip participants with:

  • Understanding the emergence and key concepts in sport ethics and integrity.
  •  Recognizing current gaps in legislation, governance, policy, and programs in this field.\
This preparation boosts participants’ confidence to address issues in their organizations, enabling them to evaluate and improve existing regulations and practices. They will also be introduced to tools, frameworks, and resources from that support prevention and athlete-centered, trauma-informed responses. Each session concludes with an examination of current
global best practices.

Additionally, participants will gain insight into the role of sport ethicists and their profession. They will understand the distinct roles of sport lawyers, law enforcement, public officials, and sport integrity professionals, recognizing the need for wider cooperation in this rapidly
evolving field.

Participants will acquire access to an international network of sport ethics & integrity professionals from over 50 nations to provide ongoing assistance in their ethical evolution through future collaboration and support. 


Sport Governance & Accountable Institution


In this session, participants will gain insights into the essential realm of sports governance, a cornerstone for ensuring the safety, ethics, and accountability of sports organizations. 

The session’s primary objective is to provide participants with an improved understanding of the significance of sports governance and its direct implications for safeguarding athletes and other stakeholders in the world of sports. 

Participants will delve into the fundamental principles and requirements that underpin good governance and grasp why it forms the bedrock of ethical sports environments. Furthermore, they will learn how the adoption of robust governance practices nurtures a culture of integrity within sports institutions, reinforcing their commitment to preventing abuses and promoting the wellbeing of all involved. 

This course will illuminate the pivotal role of independent governance assessments in pinpointing weaknesses within sports entities, uncovering areas such as ineffective policies and programs that might inadvertently enable harm to athletes.

By acquainting participants with governance frameworks, this session aims to enhance their ability to evaluate and measure sports entities’ adherence to the principles of good governance. By understanding how these tools contribute to accountable institutions, this session aims to empower participants to drive improved transparency and ethical growth.

The session also underscores the invaluable input of athletes in promoting safeguarding and best governance practices. It will emphasize the significance of incorporating anonymous athlete and employee feedback to identify vulnerabilities, risks, and opportunities within sports systems.

Upon completing this course, participants will possess the knowledge and tools necessary to critically assess, evaluate, and actively contribute to the ethical progression of safe sports to ensure the welfare and integrity of athletes and participants remains at the forefront of sports organizations’ missions.


Legal Responsibilities in Safeguarding


Law plays a pivotal role in safeguarding the rights and well-being of athletes and participants. Sports law ensures the legal integrity of contracts, regulations, and disputes within the industry. It aims to protect the interests of athletes, teams, and organizations, supporting a stable legal framework for the sporting world. 

Human rights law frameworks focus on upholding the dignity and fundamental rights of individuals in sports. They address issues like discrimination and abuse, advocating for equal treatment and protection, especially for vulnerable populations. The collaboration between sports law and human
rights law ensures that the sporting environment is not only legally sound but also morally and socially just, fostering a safer and more equitable arena for athletes and participants alike.


 The first half of the session will focus on dissecting various strategies designed to tackle
safeguarding, elucidating the essential aspects that sport organizations must address, and raising
awareness of what their jurisdiction is regardless of which national legislation is applicable.

Furthermore, given the absence of universal understanding and standardization, this session will
equip practitioners with insights into best practices and the challenges encountered by sports
organizations in addressing safeguarding.

This encompasses a spectrum of actions, from reporting mechanisms and properly managing
potential cases to conducting investigations and implementing sanctions. By delving into these facets, we aim to empower sport practitioners not necessarily with a legal background to effectively identify and respond to safeguarding concerns, fostering a safer and more responsible sporting community. 



In the second half of the session, participants will be introduced to the fundamental concept of human rights and its relevance in the context of safeguarding. 

The session delves into the responsibilities of sports organizations in upholding human rights beyond mere compliance, engaging participants in discussions about real-life human rights challenges in sports. Applying case studies, the session explores the role of the Court Arbitration for Sport as an independent arbitrator and its impact on sports policies related to safeguarding.

This dual perspective on sport law equips participants with a comprehensive understanding of how legal principles intersect with safeguarding and human rights, ensuring that ethical and responsible practices are upheld in sport entities. 




Applying a survivor-centered & trauma informed approach



This session provides a safe learning space for personal and professional development, guiding participants to explore unfamiliar perspectives to expand their knowledge and skills. In the first hour we will explore the intersectionality within the sports system. This will prepare participants to understand, challenge, and address structures of power that perpetuate oppression.

Participants will be introduced to the concept of intersectionality and will engage in individual
reflection exercises, equipping them to recognize the necessity of taking an intersectional approach within sports safeguarding strategies. Towards the session’s conclusion, participants will be challenged with assessing cases designed to facilitate the integration of intersectional principles into safeguarding measures, projects, and programs within their respective institutions.

The module is structured into three primary components: conceptualization, illustration, and action.
The session’s primary goal is to help participants acknowledge and address various layers of
marginalization related to intersectional sociocultural characteristics such as sex, race, gender,
ethnicity, age, physical ability, national origin, and economic status. This approach aims to foster
recognition, empathy, and targeted responses to the diverse needs and realities of the most
vulnerable identities.


Participants in this session will enhance their understanding of the knowledge and skills required to
engage effectively and safely with individuals who have a lived experience in sport spaces.

Throughout the session, participants will delve into fundamental concepts, including trauma and
trauma-informed care. They will gain a profound appreciation for the significance of engaging with
individuals possessing lived experience, recognizing that their unique perspectives play a vital role in shaping and refining safeguarding efforts. Practical guidance and strategies for effective
engagement will be provided, equipping participants to build meaningful connections and cultivate

Furthermore, this session will provide a comprehensive overview of the potential risks associated with engaging with people who have lived experiences, emphasizing the critical importance of ethical, legal, and governance considerations for safeguarding efforts. Participants will gain an improved understanding of how to recognize and proactively mitigate these risks.

To exemplify best practices in action, the session will culminate with an examination of the Sport &
Rights Alliance Global Network. This real-world platform serves as an illustrative model for
amplifying the voices of athlete survivors, providing valuable insights that can be readily applied to
participants’ own safeguarding initiatives.



Navigating Complex Safeguarding Cases



This session explores a critically overlooked issue within the realm of sports safeguarding:
sextortion, where individuals in positions of power exploit their authority for sexual gain.
Participants will receive a thorough introduction to the intricacies of sextortion, gaining an
understanding of the underlying enablers, the implications and challenges faced by survivors and
stakeholders as well as identifying existing gaps in protective and responsive measures.

Utilizing recent international research that uncovered sextortion cases in 41 nations across all levels
of sport alongside a comprehensive analysis of a prominent sextortion case, this session
emphasizes the substantial challenges and responsibilities associated with regulating and
addressing this issue. Furthermore, it highlights the crucial roles played by sports stakeholders and
governmental bodies in combating this form of misconduct.

This session concludes with a set of recommendations aimed at elevating current safeguarding
education, prevention, and response efforts. Participants will be equipped with actionable steps to
support the improvement of policies, educational initiatives, and reporting mechanisms, ushering in
a new era of best practices for combating sextortion in the world of sport.



The movement of athletes between countries is considered normal in sport, making the identification of athlete trafficking difficult and sometimes contentious. The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) defines trafficking as “the recruitment, transportation, transfer, harbouring or receipt of persons…for the purpose of exploitation” by various means.

In this module, by analysing the means of trafficking, and incorporating the elements of trafficking
as outlined in the UNODC Trafficking in Persons Protocol, participants will be equipped to critically
examine the often common movement practices in sport through an ethical lens, while increasing
their understanding of the factors that make athletes susceptible to trafficking and the conditions
under which athlete trafficking may be taking place.

Through an assessment of cases, global best practice, and an analysis into legal and regulatory
frameworks, this session familarises participants with the current challenges that national sports
organizations (NSOs) and sport governing bodies (SGBs) face, while supporting an improved
capacity in prevention, identification and response. This session aims to help identify and discuss
the overt and covert means of trafficking in and through sport, the regulatory gaps in protection that may exist, and the level of responsibility of governments, international sports bodies and other sport stakeholders. 


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The Academy of Leadership Sciences Switzerland (ALSS) is an international education institution  that  offers  continuing  education,  further  education,  and  post  graduate advanced  education  courses,  workshops  and  programs  focusing  on  advanced  studies in Leadership and Management. The ALSS also offers short courses that are not credit- bearing, and do not lead to formal qualifications. All attendees who attend all the four presentations for the Sport Safeguarding & Accoutable Institutions Navigating Governance, Legal & Human Rights course will be awarded certificates of successful attendance by the ALSS.

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