Course Introduction
The course Introduction to Sports law is a four-week open course (every Suterday two hours online), offered by the Academy of Leadership Sciences Switzerland.
The course is designed and delivered by recognized experts in Sports Law. It is being offered as an open course and can be attended by anyone who is, or aspires to get, involved in the industry of sports – including sports administrators, lawyers, sports agents, or intermediaries, current and former athletes, among others.
Course Content
The course covers specific topics on sport-related issues including the national and international regulation of sport, sport governing bodies, national law directly applicable to sport, contracts, sports agents/ intermediaries, dispute resolution and other topics.
Course Details
- Duration of the Course: 4 Weeks (every Saturday two hours webinar at 11:30 am to 1:30 pm Indian Standard Time)
- Language English
- Start Date: 13 November 2021
- Study Options 100 % online per Zoom
- Tutorial fees for the whole course 120 CHF to be paid at least one week before the course starts.
- Admission Requirements Anyone who is, or aspiresto get, involved in the industry of sports can enroll for this course.
- Internet access and an email address are required.
Course Structure
Week 1:Introduction to Sports Law and Overview of Current Regulatory Framework of Sports in India (2 hours)
• What is Sports Law (Lex Sportiva)?
• Globalization of Sports.
• The Need for Sports Law.
• The Origin and Development of Individual Sports.
• Good Governance in Sports – The Responsibilities of the State
• Sports Law and Ethics
• National Sports Policy, 2001 and National Sports Policy, 2007.
• National Sports Fraud Bill, 2013
• National Sports Development Code of India, 2011
• Sports Broadcasting Signals (Mandatory Sharing with Prasar Bharti) Act, 2007
• Constitutional Law: Issues and Implications in Sports
Week 2: Doping , The WorldAnti-Doping Agency (WADA),Betting in Sports and Match Fixing( 2 hours)
•Tour de France/Lance Armstrong
•Attempted Doping and Innocent Mistakes
•Salient Features of WADA Code, 2015
•Anti-Doping in the Indian Context – National Anti-Doping Agency
•Sanctions under Doping in Sports- Dutee Chand Case
•Ethics and Integrity Violation inRelation to Doping
•Law on Gambling in India
•Betting in Sports and Match Fixing
•Criminal Law Legislations toCombat Match-Fixing
•Comparative Study of International Legislations
•IPL Controversy (Mudgal CommitteeReport and Lodha Report)
Week 3: Dispute Resolution in Sport ( 2 hours)
• DisputeResolution On-field
• InternalDisciplinaryProcedure
• ADR Mechanismfor DisputeResolution
• Legal Issues
• International DisputeResolution in Sports
Week 4: Contracts and Sports Law ( 2 hours)
• Forms and Methodsof SportsBroadcasting
• Broadcasting of Sports Eventsof NationalImportance (PrasarBharati Cases)
• International Broadcasting Legislations(AComparativeAnalysis)
• SportsReporting (HotNews Doctrine)
• NewsReporting andLive Streaming of SportingEvents
• OverspillIssues inBroadcasting andRevenueLosses
• ConditionalAccess Systems
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Department Contact
- Hotline +41 (0)44 308 35 22
- World Trade Center Leutschenbachstrasse 95 CH-8050 Zürich
- info@alss-edu.ch
- Mon - Fri : 09:00 - 18:00
Social Info
Accreditation & Certification
The Academy of Leadership Sciences Switzerland (ALSS) is an international education institution that offers continuing education, further education, and post graduate advanced education courses, workshops and programs focusing on advanced studies in Leadership and Management. The ALSS also offers short courses that are not credit- bearing, and do not lead to formal qualifications. All attendees who attend all the four presentations for the Introduction to Sports Law course will be awarded certificates of successful attendance by the ALSS.
Course Presenter

Shivam Singh LL.M.
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